Monday, April 4, 2011

Slow and Steady Comes The Spring

After a glorious, sunny week, last night it rained non-stop and it's grey and dull this morning. I take solace in the fact that the rain will also help get rid of the last of the snow and the ice on the lake.

Friday, we went to visit friends on Georgian Bay and were jealous of the big patches of open water there. We still have none - at least that we can see.

But my walk on Sunday morning produced a few images that are cautiously optimistic.

Along the straight stretch past the transfer station, the snow is nearly completely gone on the Otter Lake side of the road. On the Salmon Lake side, there is still quite a bank of snow - I guess the morning sun is stronger than the afternoon. But the creek that runs along the side of the road was actually moving.

They grated the (sp?) road last week, which really helped with the potholes. And I think with the forecast, it was just in the nick of time.

Saturday was so mild, we picked up a bunch of fallen sticks from the property, examined the damage to the old dock, and I undressed the urns at the front door.

Ok, so maybe I am pushing the season a bit, but I hate the sight of an empty urn, so this was my compromise. Hopefully, in a week, the flowers won't look out of place with that patch of snow behind.
The real daffodils are budding and we have heard and seen a couple of robins.

And after all, Easter is in a couple of weeks, so we need to welcome it with something springlike.

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