The snow banks are so large now that those being plowed have no place left to put the snow. The big equipment is regularly in town putting snow into trucks to go who knows where!! And those with snow blowers just end up looking like the abominable snowman on a daily basis, thanks to the blow back from the machine.
Yesterday on our way home from town (it was clear here when we left), the white outs were so bad that I actually got out and walked in front of the car so Rick could stay on the road.
Everyone we talk to cannot remember this much snow so early in the winter. It's gonna be a long, long one. I am sure the snow machine operators and businesses are happy, but we are not amused!!
Or, if you want to snow shoe or cross country ski, there sure is the snow for it.
Here are just a few pictures to show you what real snow looks like.
This morning's view up the stairs from the front door. |
The deck and BBQ, were cleared day before yesterday. |
The railing this morning. |
The big pine down by the water is bowing under the snow. |